Home › Forums › Jevelin Theme › Adding widget code to header/top bar
Home › Forums › Jevelin Theme › Adding widget code to header/top bar
Hello so I’m trying to add a currency changer widget shortcut but I want to add it somewhere on the header and i am not sure where to add the code, which file or .php should i edit, etc
I’m attaching 1 photoshoped picture of what i’d like to achieve and another one of what i tried and didnt work by placing it on topbar phone.
thanks heaps!
Solution for this topic
Hi @inazioj,
I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.
To achieve this please use the attached modified Jevelin child theme that contains the jevelin_header_logo function in its functions.php in that function i have added the text “Add your widget code here” which you have to replace with your widget code.
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Hello I used and activated child theme successfully now i see on the header the “Add your widget code here”
but when i tried to add both:
echo do_shortcode( ‘[wcj_currency_select_drop_down_list]‘ );
It didnt work it shows exactly the same text of the code you can see on screens attached.
And also is there any way i could place it on the RIGHT SIDE instead of on the left one thanks heaps!!
Solution for this topic
Please try adding the code in the PHP tags as displayed below.
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[wcj_currency_select_drop_down_list]' ); ?>
It worked now with some css and html5 tweaks i could place it next to the cart on phone view and next to social media on desktop view, thanks for everything!!!
You are most welcome here 🙂