Accidentally overwritten the revolution slider template which came with my demo

Home Forums Jevelin Theme Accidentally overwritten the revolution slider template which came with my demo

Home Forums Jevelin Theme Accidentally overwritten the revolution slider template which came with my demo

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  • AnnaMariaDarnell

    Hi there,


    I have just accidentally overwritten the beautiful revolution slider template which came with my ‘basic’ jevelin demo install.

    I have 2 questions..

    1. Is there any way to revert back to the original slider revolution temple which came with the ‘basic’ jevelin theme without overwriting any changes I’ve made to the rest of the site, I only want the original slider back which came with the theme, I fear if i re install the demo it will strip out all of the edits I’ve made to rest of the homepage?
    2. I also love the slider used in the ‘shop’ demo, am I able to also install that slider revolution template without making changes to the rest of my site just to see which header I prefer?


    Many thanks in advance,


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    Hi Anna,


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your questions.


    Sorry to tell you but we can’t selectively import the slider revolution template as we have to import whole demo content which creates posts and pages.


    You can only restore the original template If you have a backup of your website having old template.


    You can just import the whole demo content on any of your staging or development or testing site and then refer it to create the same on your live site.


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team

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