Home › Forums › Jevelin Theme › I want to edit header button and social media icon
Home › Forums › Jevelin Theme › I want to edit header button and social media icon
hello guys?
I have purchased Juvenil theme and it’s good, but I am facing some problems, such as I like the header button but want to edit the button link and something, but when I click the edit header then this button reaching me a blog post! why? also I want to edit the header social button icon. the theme is good but can’t edit the header button even I click the edit header small button! I have attached the screenshot please check it.
Hi @saikate,
I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.
Could you please share your site URL where it’s happening so that I can troubleshoot it?
If you are using a custom header template then you can edit it as shown in the attached screenshots.
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
hello guys
how are you?
I am working hard in the javelin theme to solve my problem, but it’s not solving : (, please help.
problem 1. I have installed a demo named business, now I want to edit the header menu button that is I like most, but I can’t,
problem 2. I want to edit the header social icon, But I cant
problem 3. lastly I am facing a strange problem that is when I hit the edit header from the very top right site the link getting me to edit the blog post! strange!
Note: I am using the business demo, also using a custom business header, nevertheless I cant edit the header button from WPbekary page builder
only header builder appears when I edit a new page with header builder element but not in edit header page.
please help me ASAP. I have attached some screenshots and my site URL.
currently, I have stuck to build my new site with this theme.
good luck
Could you please follow the steps I have displayed in the screenshots shared in my previous reply and edit the header from there?
You have to edit the header to get it as shown in the attached screenshot.
yes, I know dude that I have to edit my header to change my header button, but when I hit the edit business header, there is no wp bakery builder only appears yellow pencil if I active it. I have attached a screenshot that there is no appearing wp bakery page builder in the edit header section.
help please, I am still stuck and can’t go ahead : (
Solution for this topic
Please make sure that you have activated the WPBakery page builder plugin and configured it as a editor to use in the custom header as shown in the attached screenshot.
thank you very much guys, I have solved my problem with the last Attachment of yours, But you guys need to more work on the header builder, because when I want to change the color it’s not as intuitive or user friendly as the changing color option in the theme core option.. good luck.. and love you guys for helping me out. it’s really appreciated.
how can I remove My site link or credentials that I have shared before?
thank you.
thank you very much guys, I have solved my problem with the last Attachment of yours, But you guys need to more work on the header builder, because when I want to change the color it’s not as intuitive or user friendly as the changing color option in the theme core option.. good luck.. and love you guys for helping me out. it’s really appreciated.
You are most welcome here 🙂
Sure, we will consider your suggestions.
how can I remove My site link or credentials that I have shared before?
You don’t need to remove them as they are in the private field which nobody can access.
Guys I am really frustrated to customize with this theme, I have already customized my custom header menu button now it’s fine. But when I add my logo in the custom header ( Business header) then the header and logo moved down and got bigger. Why? it does not align like the original business header.
moreover, when I used a small logo than it aligns like an original demo, but the very small logo does not pleasing to the eyes. please help I want to medium logo size like the original demo header.
thank you.
please hurry I am working on my site.
I visited your shared website but didn’t see the menu moved to the bottom as shown in the attached screenshot.
Please advise.
guys I have fixed it ( logo moved to the bottom) and thank you very much.
I want to advise you guys that you can improve javelin
at first, I would say its a great theme
when I was using this theme I was felling its a nice theme but I was having some problem that I would list in here:
Guys I have solved almost all the problem with my site, but there is one last problem maybe appeared that is my site logo is looking very good on desktop but very pathetic on mobile view, barely I can see my logo on the small screen I mean mobile, I am using the custom business header. please tell me how can I setting sharp looking logo on a small screen like a desktop.
please please help.
Solution for this topic
Thank you for your suggestions.
We will consider your suggestions.
Guys I have solved almost all the problem with my site, but there is one last problem maybe appeared that is my site logo is looking very good on desktop but very pathetic on mobile view, barely I can see my logo on the small screen I mean mobile, I am using the custom business header. please tell me how can I setting sharp looking logo on a small screen like a desktop.
Please set a different logo for the mobile in the sticky logo option as shown in the attached screenshot.
To display the sticky logo on mobile, please add the following CSS code in the Custom CSS code option of your theme on the below path.
Admin Area -> Appearance -> Theme Settings -> Custom Code -> CSS Code
@media (max-width: 550px){ #page-container .sh-header-builder-logo-standard { display: none; } #page-container .sh-header-builder-logo-sticky { display: block; } }
you guys are a legend, I have solved my problem with your last attached screenshot, now logo appears in a perfect view.
I will definitely leave a review on ThemeForest for you guys.. I am really happy
Oh! moreover, one suggestion changing the color on the custom header is not intuitive as the main theme setting. if you consider adding those features in the upcoming update that I have already written down in my previous post, this theme would be a king of all kings!
Good luck to you guys.
You are most welcome here 🙂
Sure, we will consider implementing your suggestions.
Have a fantastic day!
guys, how are you?
I hope you are doing well.
I have almost finished my site design, I am facing the problem of the footer section.
I am currently using the default footer where I can use my site logo, but the logo appears ok on desktop PC, but very tiny on mobile view help please. how the logo appears perfect on mobile devices?
I can use the business footer ( currently using business demo) but there is no option to add my logo that is disappointing : (
please solve my problem
thank you very much
To help us keep the support thread separates could you please create a new thread for each of your other questions instead of asking them in your single thread as it makes the thread messy and hard to read.
If you want to you can also add a reference to this thread in your newly created thread.
We would be more than happy to help you with your new thread.
thank you..I have created new ticket.
please check it out.