Home Forums Jevelin Theme Project breadcrumbs link doesn't work Reply To: Project breadcrumbs link doesn't work

Home Forums Jevelin Theme Project breadcrumbs link doesn't work Reply To: Project breadcrumbs link doesn't work

Solution for this topic

What about

the if statement in this file:


could it be it?

Yes it seems the following code in this file is causing this issue so i have notified the theme developer about this so that it will be fixed.

$portfolio1 = get_page_by_path( 'portfolio' );
$portfolio2 = get_page_by_path( 'portfolio-page' );

if( isset( $portfolio1->ID ) && $portfolio1->ID > 0 ) :
	wp_redirect( get_the_permalink( $portfolio1->ID ) );
elseif( isset( $portfolio2->ID ) && $portfolio2->ID > 0 ) :
	wp_redirect( get_the_permalink( $portfolio2->ID ) );
else :
	wp_redirect( get_home_url( '/' ) );



In the meanwhile you can fix it by removing the above code from theme file and uncommenting other code in the same file or just use the attached child theme of Jevelin theme that contains some custom code.



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