Copyrights line with break (2 rows)

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Home Forums Jevelin Theme Copyrights line with break (2 rows)

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  • Ulf Meyer

    Dear Support Team,

    in my copyright line I want to have 2 rows / add a line breal.

    I tried to add code into the field – the font-size worked well – but the break I tried everything like <p> tags / </br> and nothing works – sorry I am not a programmer. Please help.




    <span style=”font-size: 10px;”>© Copyright 2017 Selbsteinwechslung | M.A. Michael Tettke | Certified Senior Project Manager (GPM) | Osterbekstrasse 84b | D-22083 Hamburg | Germany | [email protected] | </span></br><span style=”font-size: 10px;”>Konzept, Design &amp; Umsetzung: Ulf Meyer | Art- &amp; Creative Direction | [email protected] | </span>

    Hi Ulf,


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.


    I could confirm the issue on my test site therefore notified the theme developer about this so that it will be fixed.


    The issue will be fixed ASAP.


    In the meanwhile you can share me your site URL where it is displaying and tell me from which word you want to display it on new line so that i can help you to achieve it developing custom CSS code.


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team

    Ulf Meyer

    Dear Support Team,

    thanks for the fast reply. Here the Link to my page: (PW: GünterNetzer)


    I  the copyright line I need a break after


    Line 1

    © Copyright 2017 Selbsteinwechslung | M.A. Michael Tettke | Certified Senior Project Manager (GPM) | Osterbekstrasse 84b | D-22083 Hamburg | Germany | [email protected] |


    Line 2

    Concept, Design & Implementation | Ulf Meyer | Art- & Creative Direction | [email protected] |


    Thanks for your help.

    All the best



    Ulf Meyer

    This is the code I added in the backend already to make the text-size smaller:


    <span style=”font-size: 10px;”>© Copyright 2017 Selbsteinwechslung | M.A. Michael Tettke | Certified Senior Project Manager (GPM) | Osterbekstrasse 84b | D-22083 Hamburg | Germany | [email protected] | </span></br><span style=”font-size: 10px;”>Concept, Design & Implementation | Ulf Meyer | Art- &amp; Creative Direction | [email protected] | </span>

    Ulf Meyer

    And it would be great if we can adjust as well the line hight to 12px…

    Solution for this topic

    You can achieve it by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS code option of your theme on the below path.

    Admin Area -> Appearance -> Theme Settings -> Custom Code -> CSS Code


    .sh-copyrights-text span span {
        line-height: 12px;
        clear: both;
        display: block;

    Ulf Meyer

    Great – works perfect. Thanks for the fast and good support.

    You are most welcome here 🙂


    Hi there,

    That not work in my site.  I have create a paragraph but the text not change line.

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