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Home › Forums › Jevelin Theme › Embed Vimeo Bug?
Hi Shufflehound Support,
Sorry to bother you – but i am wondering if i am doing something wrong. On this page:
I am trying to test out the “Video Player” element with a video from vimeo (https://vimeo.com/173772669 – i just chose this one for testing).
I attached an image with my settings.
However, upon clicking the play button, nothing happens. When i look at the iFrame in the generated code, it points to: https://player.vimeo.com/video/173772669&autoplay=1 which says “Oops! the embed code for this video is not valid”
I have tried this with other videos (including ones I have uploaded and ensured can be embedded) with no success. It does work for youtube.
Any advice (aside from moving content to youtube)?
Hi Josh,
I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.
I enabled page builder support for portfolio custom post type and added the Vimeo video in it which worked fine without any issue.
Please try adding px to the video width as shown in the attached screenshot.
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Thanks for the reply – I tried that with your settings (http://hailpern.net/joshua2017/project/vintage-typewriter/)
I attached a screenshot with my settings
I attached a screenshot of the error in the developer console
I don’t see the correct settings in your shared screenshot. Please try adding px to the video width as shown in my shared screenshot.
Ah good catch. Updated it. Now a new error. It has a black box, and as you can see a message that the code is invalid. Also notice the new error in the console log.
Solution for this topic
I could confirm the issue which only occurs when you set placeholder image for the vimeo video.
I have notified the theme developer about this so that it can be fixed.
In the meanwhile you can try fixing it by using the attached custom child theme of Jevelin theme that contains some custom code. See how to install child theme https://envato.com/blog/how-to-future-proof-your-wordpress-site-with-child-themes/