Jevelin Conflicting the Uni CPO

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Home Forums Jevelin Theme Jevelin Conflicting the Uni CPO

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  • yellowcherrydigital


    Hope you can help I have installed Uni Woo Custom Product Options (Premium) on a website and it is conflicting with Jevelin theme. When I switch to 2017 the products work fine. I have tried debugging and checking for javascript errors in the console but nothing seems to be showing up. An example of the problem can be seen in the private information field. Any Ideas?


    Hi @yellowcherrydigital,


    Sorry to hear of the problem you are having.


    To make the UI better please try adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS code option of your theme on the below path.


    Admin Area -> Appearance -> Theme Settings -> Custom Code -> CSS Code


    .parsley-errors-list {
        max-width: 100% !important;
        top: 0 !important;
        left: 0 !important;
        list-style: none;


    If it is functionality issue then could you please contact Uni Woo Custom Product Options plugin developer to know why it is conflicting with the theme so that we can help you to resolve it.


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team



    I did add this to the css but this only moves the message. I’m wondering if you can provide me a list of scripts used in the theme so I can compare them to the plugin scripts to see if any of them are duplicated?

    It definitely seems like a script conflict as it works in the cpo product editor but not when it is saved and viewed. It’s just strange that the error won’t appear anywhere.



    You can see all the scripts used in the theme by visiting the following theme directory.



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