Portfolio Issues

Home Forums Jevelin Theme Portfolio Issues

Home Forums Jevelin Theme Portfolio Issues

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  • cc

    I have 2 issues:


    1. When filtering a portfolio by category the images seemingly fly around all over the place a bit randomly before showing the filtered items.
    2. On a site I am working on I want to display 2 different portfolios on 2 different pages, each showing only certain categories. I only seem to be able to display the entire contents of the portfolio and then with the filter option on the page. I’ve managed to add additional CSS to exclude a category from a portfolio but then if I add pagination, these items are still counted. Is there a cleaner way of resolving this?

    Thank you!

    Hi @cc,


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.


    Could you please try clearing and temporarily disabling the WP-Super-Cache that you are using on your shared site?


    Also, please update the theme on your site to the below latest version as described here https://support.shufflehound.com/updating-theme/


    Please login to access this file


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team



    Thanks for the quick response. I have upgraded the theme and deactivated WP Super Cache on both the umbrella site and the site i’m experiencing the portfolio issues with but it unfortunately has not resolved it. Please advise.


    I don’t see the portfolio on Hire page now and the Our Work page portfolio displays fine on reloading the page.


    Please advise.


    I scrapped using the portfolio on the hire page because I couldn’t get it to work, opting to use blog post instead. The portfolio on the work page displays correctly but now the page reloads each time a category is selected…?

    Please update the theme to the version 4.4.0


    Would you mind if I log in to your site and do some troubleshooting? If this is ok then could you please temporary share me your site admin login details privately by adding them in the box having text “Enter your private content here (only you and forum moderators will be able see it)”?


    See private field

    I logged into your site and confirmed the issue but it is working fine on my test site.


    This can be due to plugin conflict on your site so please try temporary deactivating all plugins except Unyson plugin and WpBakery page builder plugins and see whether everything works fine and then enable the plugins one by one to see which plugin is conflicting if any.


    Thanks for checking.


    I’ve got the filters working as they should now but only by disabling pagination. When I switch pagination on the page reloads each time I browse to a different category. Is there a way to have pagination without the page reloading for each category applied?



    Solution for this topic

    For the pagination to work perfectly, it has to reload the page as the page URL need to change.


    ah ok, will jut disable it then. Thanks.

    You are most welcome here 🙂

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