Shop page: Product boxes uneven

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Home Forums Jevelin Theme Shop page: Product boxes uneven

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  • cheeks

    Hi I started adding my company’s products to the site. And Ive since noticed that rows have gone out of wack. some product boxes are longer, so they are lining up neatly. What can I do to ensure they are lined up evenly? Thanks.

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    Solution for this topic

    Hi @cheeks,


    Thank you for your question.


    They don’t line up because they contain variable amount of data as shown in the attached screenshot so you have to make sure that they contains similar amount of data.


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team

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    Oh I see! I wasn’t aware. OK thanks for the tip. I will tweak and fix πŸ™‚

    You are always welcome here πŸ™‚

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