Home › Forums › Jevelin Theme › Which template file to change layout of blog post listings?
Home › Forums › Jevelin Theme › Which template file to change layout of blog post listings?
I’m trying to change the order in which blog post listings are displayed (on the blog page, as well as the recent posts shortcode).
I’d like to move the categories to display below the post image, and above the post title.
I know that this is custom development and you don’t really help with this, but could you guide me towards which templates/files I should be looking into?
I have found the following file and have tried to edit it, but can’t seem to get it to work:
framework-customizations > extensions > shortcodes > shortcodes > blog-posts > views > view.php
Am I working on the right file?
Hi @admlaw,
I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.
Could you please tell me exactly which shortcode you are using?
If you are using Blog template then you have to change the file /jevelin/page-blog.php and for content change the file /jevelin/content.php and respective post format files such as /jevelin/content-format-video.php
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Thank you for the quick reply. I am looking to change the templates in a few spots…
Can you tell me which template files I need to edit? I have a little bit of coding experience so if I know where I’m looking I think I can figure it out.
Thanks again for the help.
Solution for this topic
The recent posts shortcode with the visual editor (screenshot attached)
To change it you have to overwrite whole following directory in Jevelin child theme and change files in it.
The standard blog listings page template
For this change the file /jevelin/content.php and respective post format files such as /jevelin/content-format-video.php
The individual blog post page template
change the file /jevelin/page-blog.php and respective post format files such as /jevelin/content-format-video.php
I’ve replaced the files within the “/jevelin/framework-customizations/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/blog-posts/” folder in my child-theme, but the files do not seem to be activating. No changes are taking effect.
Are you able to help troubleshooting further?
Sure I can.
Would you mind if i log in to your site and do some troubleshooting? If this is ok then could you please share me your site log in details privately by adding them in the box having text “Click here to share private content. Only you and forum moderators will be able see it.”?
Yes, sure. I have included a link and access information in the private information field below.
Thank you for your help. Let me know if you require any further details or info.
I logged in to your site and tested it by adding Test text in that file which works fine for me as shown in the attached screenshots so it means changes are getting saved in the file but it seems you are making some wrong changes may be in wrong if else conditions.
Suddenly all my blog posts are not appearing. Related posts, blog listings page, and individual blog posts are not showing. Just wondering if it was something to do with the testing that you did??
No it has nothing to do with my testing and I can see them on your shared site as shown in the attached screenshots.
Please advise.
I was able the solve the problem, and I was able to achieve what I initially set out to change. This thread can be closed.
Thank you for the help and quick responses!
You are most welcome here 🙂