White Space below the Menu (Header)

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Home Forums Jevelin Theme White Space below the Menu (Header)

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  • Max

    Hello ShuffleHound Team!

    I hope you’re doing great. Javelin is a great theme, love using it.


    However, I’ve encountered one visual issue: There’s empty white space right below the header/menu and before the contents of the page.

    I tried to switch on and off setting in theme options under “header”, “titlebar”, “styling” and “general” to no avail.


    It also doesn’t look like a problem with “Slider Revolution”, which I’ve read in other posts, often caused the issue. I have this space even on pages without the slider.


    Could you please help me? Let me know if you need something.


    Regards, Max


    Here’s the copy of the part of the element which is highlighted as white space:

    <section class=”sh-section sh-section-2a5e541ce2388abace3e036f788daa23 fw-main-row sh-section-visibility-everywhere”>

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    Solution for this topic

    Hi @Max,


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.


    That space is displayed by the padding added to the section that you can remove from the section as described in the below topic.




    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team


    Thank you so much for a quick and helpful reply.


    One more question please.


    I actually don’t use any sections, all elements are stand-alone. Yet, the space is there.

    I’ve added a section and changed its padding – it worked just as you suggested. But what is the cause if I am not using a section with padding to begin with?


    Thank you. I will appreciate a tip.


    Could you please share me the page URL from your site where it is displaying so that I can help you?


    Solution for this topic

    In that case, you can remove the padding by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS code option of your theme on the below path.


    Admin Area -> Appearance -> Theme Settings -> Custom Code -> CSS Code


    .fw-page-builder-content > .sh-section:first-child {
        padding-top: 0;


    Thank you so much!

    You are most welcome here šŸ™‚


    Hello guys,


    sorry, but the code you gave me didn’t solve the issue.


    The white space is still there and I can’t make head or tails of how to get rid of it.


    I’ve attached new screenshots. Hope this will help.


    I look forward to your reply.

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    Please also try using the below CSS code.


    #wrapper > .sh-page-layout-default {
    padding-top: 0px;


    I have added both codes simultaneously, then only one at a time, – nothing worked.

    I have also attached a screenshot of how the page design looks like in WordPress.


    Sorry for disturbing you.

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    I don’t see the space on your above shared page so could you please share me the page URL from your site where it is displaying so that I can help you?


    That’s the problem. Neither I can see it on the “edit page” in WP, but it’s on the live version of the webpage.


    Here’s the link to one of such pages:


    Thank you.

    Solution for this topic

    Please try changing above shared CSS code as following.


    #wrapper > .sh-page-layout-default {
        padding-top: 0 !important;


    It works just fine! Thank you very much and have a successful day.

    You are always welcome here šŸ™‚

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