wp bakery and menu dropdown problems

Home Forums Jevelin Theme wp bakery and menu dropdown problems

Home Forums Jevelin Theme wp bakery and menu dropdown problems

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  • tadei1908

    hi. i made a site for our restaurant. since 2days wp bakery wont work. when i try to edit, it opens new blank window.

    today my menu dropdown stop working have no idea why. can anybody help me? menu work when i try edit like in screenshot.



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    I fix the menu. It was custom javascript problem. But wp bakery still doesnt work. Need to add new content bit i cant. Please help


    Hell yeah! I found my problem with wp bakery. Is custom javaspript again. I change text on button in blog posts for share into deli (slovenian), and related posts into zadnje objave. When i delete the code in custom javasript, wp bakery works again in frontend.

    But since i install first time jevelin theme on my site, i cant edit wp bakery in backend. I have all the privilege but when i click edit nothing happens.

    Hi @tadei1908,


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.


    It seems you are using an older version of the theme on your website so please update it to the below latest version as described here https://support.shufflehound.com/updating-theme/


    Please login to access this file


    Also, please update the WPBakery page builder plugin from the below path.


    Admin Area -> Appearance -> Install Plugins


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team

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