WPBakery page editor broken after update to wordpress 5.3 and PHP 7

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Home Forums Jevelin Theme WPBakery page editor broken after update to wordpress 5.3 and PHP 7

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  • greenbulb

    Hi, I am a happy user of the Jevelin 3.3 theme, my site was running wordpress 4 and php 5 for quite sometime. To get better performance, I  have updated to wordpress 5.3.2 and PHP 7 recently. Everything still looks great after the update but to my surprise the WPBakery page editor is broken when I try to update the home page.

    Some kind of block editor is showing at the top when I try to edit, the WPBakery page editor is still here but was shown at the very bottom (after the page content shown in the block editor). I am afraid that I use the WPBakey page editor in this strange condition will mess up the page. So I can’t do anything now. Please see attached screen grab.

    Please kindly tell me how to fix it? Thanks.




    I am in the same boat, I update to WP 5.3.2 today and WP bakery is not showing up and my website configuration is completely out of wake.

    I don’t know what to do, all the content is spread across the page without any real order.

    please help!

    My slider revolution is not working now either.


    my biggest concern is my front page! even though the update has effected all pages and all formatting!


    I started deleting plugins and the bakery, glutenberg and unyson builder have showed up again, but everything is still not formatted as it once was.

    Even my text from some pages has completely disappeared just by me updated WordPress!

    I’m so disappointed and worried.

    Do  I need to re-import the Education demo? will this erase all of my content?

    Slider says I need a purchase code, but I don’t have on because it came with the jevelin product I ordered.

    Please help?


    I didn’t dare to save any changes to any of my pages. Cause I know that will permently mess up my website.

    Please give us an answer.


    I agree!

    Hopefully we get the help we need fast!

    Solution for this topic

    Hi There,


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your questions.


    This is happening because of the updated WordPress version comes with the gutenberg editor that is enabled by default.


    You can install older WordPress editor by using the classic editor as described in the below pages.






    Then you can use WPbakery page builder and edit the pages.


    It’s great that you have not edited and saved any page content orelse your page might have got corrupted.


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team


    This is not a fair response.

    At least for me, I have the classic editor already installed and WP bakery, glutenberg and unyson have all reappeared.

    Still, the formatting from the “Education Demo” is completely gone. With the demo, the front page as well as additional pages had pre-installed formatting, text boxes etc. Now it is gone and a lot of the content from each page is gone.

    How do I at the very least go back to what I once had?

    The plugins now work, I have disables a lot of the woo commerce related plugins and now they work, the formatting is gone. The response given was not helpful at all.


    works for me. Thx.


    I still need assistance, all of my content is misaligned or missing since the update. Can someone look at my site from the backend to help?

    @powermonique It seems you are facing different issue not exactly same as reported in this topic so to help us keep support thread separates could you please create your own thread for your question instead of posting a reply on others thread as it makes the thread messy and hard to read.


    If you want to you can also add reference to this thread in your newly created thread.


    We would be more than happy to help you with your new thread.

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