i same case this, why error? and can i hace child themes sir?
Yes still problem on desktop, but on mobile view it’s good, can u help me.
Try to open the link that I give, can you enter the input on the contact form? And how the correct style to create 2 parallel columns, using plugins contact form 7.
This is my contact form 7 style
<div class="fw-col-xs-12 fw-col-sm-6">
<label>Nama Lengkap</label>
[text* Nama]
<div class="fw-col-xs-12 fw-col-sm-6">
<label>Nomer Telpon</label>
[tel* Telpon]
<div class="fw-col-xs-12 fw-col-sm-6">
<label>Alamat Email</label>
[email* Email]
<div class="fw-col-xs-12 fw-col-sm-6">
[text* Perihal]
<div class="fw-col-xs-12">
<label>Pesan Anda</label>
[textarea* Pesan]
This is my trouble?
And how make this full width?
And this is more i need
Oh yeah, work, my setting is wrong. hohohohoho
can i aks, how can i change color for menu description, and alt menu color?
yes i was send this ticket two day ago, this my new site i’am not done with configurtion my vps, this domain i was deleted, but can u help me how can make two button center on dekstop, and center full widht button on mobile, thanks for u help.
this is example
this is my old site button http://prntscr.com/fffgzf
this is my old site scroll down before footer https://www.arriyadh.co.id/