OMG. Thx and sorry. You can close this case.
Yes, a typo. The correct site – according to my profile name –
Hm, what do you mean with “Had you made any changes to the theme files?“?
I modified lot of settings as they are accessible in Appearence -> Theme Settings.
And this is what I mean. I changed there the color but in the Preview mode it appears again in the turquoise.
Why aren’t used in the Preview mode my colors?
I ran the update and then I got the option “Preview”.
Unfortunately in the preview mode all of my color and other settings were lost.
So I am now scared to run the update in order to lose all of my settings.
What do you suggest?
Thank you for the link. My question:
Do I understand it correctly I have to extract the <span style=”color: #0000ff;”>jevelin</span> folder in the archive into <span style=”color: #0000ff;”>/home/my-provider-id/public_html/wp-content/themes</span> directory?
In case there is a problem, should I rename the existing <span style=”color: #0000ff;”>jevelin</span> directory in the <span style=”color: #0000ff;”>themes</span> folder to <span style=”color: #0000ff;”>jeveling-4.3.1</span> as this is the current version I am running? So, I should be able to restore the previous version in case I am running into an issue with the new version.
Or, is there an easier way to install the update?
OK guys, I have found the script.
I think this is a design problem. When I check the demos in the Jevelin shop I understand how it happened: The demo contains in the “Description” and “Additional Information” only 1-2 lines so this design problem doesn’t appear.
In my case, where I have sometimes in the product description several hundreds of lines, it is really a pain to see the right aligned text.
May be you reconsider this. Attached you see how horrible it looks when there is a very long text.
And check now the fixed layout and I think you will agree this version looks more natural and better:
The change in content-single-product.php:
* Hook: woocommerce_after_single_product_summary.
* @hooked woocommerce_output_product_data_tabs – 10
* @hooked woocommerce_upsell_display – 15
* @hooked woocommerce_output_related_products – 20
/* ++++++ comment the following line++++++ */
// do_action( ‘woocommerce_after_single_product_summary’ );
<?php /* +++++ ADD THE FOLLOWING LINE ++++++ */
do_action( ‘woocommerce_after_single_product_summary’ );
?><?php do_action( ‘woocommerce_after_single_product’ ); ?>
You can close this thread.
Hi, I have to come back to this thread.
I am not satisfied with the above solution where the image is centered and the whole description is below.
I edited the HTML code directly in the browser with the code inspector and I see it is very easy to change it that the upper part remains like it is [image left, “Short description” and “Add to Cart” right] and the product description then centered below – see the attachments.
My question: Please, advice [path] which PHP file I have to copy to my child theme so I can move the one DIV so it appears in the nice centered way.
I know exactly what to do but I don’t know in which PHP file the code is.
Thank you
Yes, this enabled WPBakery Page Builder but using it results in a horrible layout. May be it is my fault. However, I have to investigate it deeper.
Thx, you can close this thread.
Is there a way I use for the product pages WPBakery Page Builder? With this plugin it would be then very easy and I could do it on my own.
Or is this a WooCommerce matter?
There would be just the only question regarding WPBakery Page Builder.
Thank you very much, it works! I appreciate your fast support.
You can close this case.
padding-left: 17%;
Moves the content closer to the center. This is solved. On mobile phones it looks strange, so the final CSS is this:
@media screen and (min-width: 1200px){ .single-product .sh-woo-layout-right.col-md-6 { width: 75%; clear: both; float: none; padding-left: 17%; } }
There would be just the only question regarding WPBakery Page Builder.
OK, I don’t see honestly any difference so I removed this CSS in order to keep it simple.
Thx, you can close this thread.
Thx, this centered the image.
I see, I should be more specific and then I save your time.
Just reduce the width 100% in the above initially shared CSS code to reduce its width.
This is what I did but unfortunately the whole content keeps left aligned. Therefore the link to where you see the smaller width is expanded/counted from the middle and then the content is centered.
Sorry I was not accurate enough.
Is there a way I use for the product pages WPBakery Page Builder? With this plugin it would be then very easy and I could do it on my own.
Yes, this is now the first step in the right direction.
I am referring to this page:
I would have now these questions which came up:
Thank you!
Solution for this topic
Thank you, this fixed it.
I don’t see any functionality of this CSS:
.page-id-4642 .sh-overlay-item:first-child .sh-overlay-item-container { right: 40%; }
I removed it from my CSS file and it looks like it works also without it. What should this CSS do?
How to mark this thread as resolved, or, in general, how to mark any thread opened by myself as resolved?
Thank you very much! It works!