Sorry to post out of my own thread, but my social counter is also never updating. I was wondering if there’s a way to address this issue?
issue resolved
I tried these and they didn’t work for me. Can you troubleshoot?
Hi support,
I know i’m chiming in on this topic, but it is related.
after inserting the css code, this line still remains (see screenshot)
how can that be removed, as well?
Yes, and for all people who have logged into the site who are not subscribers (i.e. editors, admins, contributors, etc.)
it’s working properly, so far
Yes, it no longer counts my post views (as far as I can tell)
Awesoome ๐
I think so, i have been testing it, and it seems that it no longer counts admin views
Ok I got it !
php size already set pls refer to screenshot
Tried that, didn’t work
check screenshot below, it gives me this error
After trying to add new theme file, it gives an error and says
“are you sure you want to do this?”
it does not allow for direct upload without going through cpanel, from direct beta file in your last post
Because the theme is counting the administrator’s page views, even in draft mode (while previewing the post before publishing), it obscurs the actual amount of times a page is viewed by an external user.
It would work better if theme only counted post views of those who are not
-SEO Manager
-SEO Editor
stuff like that
I found it! Thx
which element in visual composer, I cannot find it
Thanks, I will look into it.
Exactly as it shows in the screenshot, name/email address field for the subscription form. Different background, however.
But i do still need help with configuring this, refer to screenshot
Disregard, I have figured it out.
Okay I’m ready to work on this, but I want to set up form as in the demo version. Please refer to screenshot. How can either of these be achieved?