Thank you,
The section loading issue has been fixed by replacing the URL as you suggested.
Kindly check from your end to see if there is any other notice you may find.
I appreciate your support
Thank you for your reply.
Here is my website link:
Kindly help me to look at the issue.
Hello Support,
Can someone respond to me pls?
It is urgent and I am missing my deadline already.
I expect to hear from you.
It is done.
Thank you so much
I found it.
It works now.
Thank you for your work!
Can you guide me on how to edit the widget? I managed to get it the other time.
I can’t remember the steps I used.
Thank you
find the access data in the private information filed.
Thank you.
Hello Support!
This issue is still unresolved, kindly help me to fix this, It is really affecting my work.
I will appreciate good feedback from you.
How do you mean?
Does it mean I can my social media counter for my company in that space?
Thank you Moderator,
It works fine now.