This worked beautifully, thank you!
Okay, thanks.
This worked great, thank you!
This worked great, thank you!
Hi there. I put it in the Theme Settings -> CSS Code area. I’m not sure why, but I took it out, and then replaced it in the same area again, and now it is working!
However, it isn’t allowing my rollover colors to work now?
So, just to make sure I’m being clear (forgive me if I have not been prior), on the homepage, I would like the main navigation (since it has a “transparent” background) to be white text, and then upon rollover, to be pink. And then when I scroll down on the front page, as the navigation “sticks” to the stop, it’s navigation background becomes white, so then I want the navigation text to be pink, and then upon rollover, to be black. Does this make sense? I’m attaching screenshots:
Thank you!!
Thank you for your help! It’s on the page backend in WordPress, where you can drag and drop/add the elements, etc. Please see attached:
Thank you for this! I used the code you gave above and changed the color value to what I needed. It doesn’t seem to be working in Safari or Chrome, but it is in Firefox…I did clear cache and history and cookies. But if that’s the best that can be accomplished, then I guess that will have to do!
Thank you. I used the CSS Code you gave above, and it worked for the pink…but the “white out” is still happening on those two?
For some reason, it’s not letting me upload the screenshots…
You can see what I mean on my website:
Sorry, here are the screenshots again:
Sorry, for example, another problem…
The navigation all show at the top when on the home page. But when I scroll down and the navigation “sticks” to the top, two of the navigation words (Buy and Blog) seem to “white out” (see attached screenshot)…why, and how do I fix this?
Hi. I actually already have that set to the pink that I want it. So that didn’t seem to be the problem…it was still orange.
But I opened the page in Firefox and did the “inspect element” and found that it was this CSS to change (I’ve added my color hex in there for my site). This is what seemed to work, if anyone else has any problems! I just put this in the Custom Code box option on the left:
.sh-header .sh-nav > .current_page_item > a, .sh-header .sh-nav > .current-menu-ancestor > a, .sh-header-left-side .sh-nav > .current_page_item > a {
color: #ec176e !important;
But it also seems that ALL of the color option boxes don’t always work consistently? Some seem to be working and others no? I’ve reset them all and gone back with new colors, and still some seem to work and other not? There’s no rhyme or reason to it?