Thank you so much!
Also on my website, I have the menus “Home” and “Recipe Index” as pages that should be clickable on the menu, but it only shows as a drop down on mobile. People can’t access the Home or Recipe Index page at all. How do I make it so they can access the page, but also have the drop down pop up on mobile?
Wait, actually it still doesn’t work well. If you click into another page that isn’t the home page and try the drop-down submenu, it will not stay long enough for me to click!
That worked! Thanks!
Okay, I’ve created one. Thanks for your help!
Solution for this topic
I deleted it and created a new page. That seems to have worked.
Solution for this topic
It worked when I turned off Autoptimize!
Hey, it worked! The culprit was indeed the autoptimize plugin. Does this mean I have to keep it deactivated forever?
Thanks for your help. My website is
Shall I try deactivating the plugins after you troubleshoot, or before?
You’re the best, thank you!!
Here’s mine!
Depending on when you click it, I may still be working on it ๐