Neverming, I have edited Single.php
On line 470 of single.php you have set to retrieve posts randomly.
So we changed
orderby’ => ‘rand’
‘orderby’ => ‘date’,
‘order’ => ‘DESC’
It does not make sense to retrieve posts randomly. No news agency would like that. Considering changing that in your next update or at least give an option to select what we want to display.
Remove ticket. We removed the Social Counter Widget since it seems that only twitter works ok.
Also, Instagram has disabled access tokens, how are we supposed to create one?
When should we expect this to be completed?
We have done all of these things in order to make it work, but still getting error 500. I do not think that this is server related.
Would you please take a look at it?
We have submitted our login credentials so you can check it out.