We solved the problem. Thank you for your help.
Best regards
My website in not visible for everyone: https://test.pozytywnyplan.pl/
I sent you the access data in private message on themeforrest. Now I’m trying to fix this out. I don’t know, what you will see 😉
I’m using in “customize” static page (attachement) now.
I added in attachments screenshot of my view under the page.
I don’t know where to change page template to “Blog”. When i changed in personalisation main site (static) to “newest posts”, I wasn’t been able to edit it with King Composer.
Best regards
Thank you for your answer.
I am using “Blog Posts” – and grid looks like Gillion theme. Post Grid has a different desing (there’s no Gillion’s look). There is pagination, but I don’t like it. I want Gillion 🙂
I don’t see any pagination in “Blog Posts” 🙁 Please help me. Gillion is a beautifull theme, and I will be in a mess if it will not look’s like I want.