Everything looks good, just how i wanted. Thank you very much for the effort and time you spent to help me.
User and pw in private information field.
Link : https://dokogr.com.hr/
I replied to your comment 28 days ago and have not yet received any response. Can you help me with these things?
I would be very thankful if you could do it. Since I am a beginner, I am not very good with these things so any assisstance would be great!
If you could help me with two more issues:
After you have made header&footer, the cover page is making a double slider revolution.
When I click on the # news on the cover page, the link does not take me to the part where it is supposed to, while with the other (front page, about us, galery, contact) it always takes me to the part where it should.
I removed Elementor Header & Footer Builder plugin, updated theme to the last version 5.3. and unfortunately my header / footer is still invisible on my page. Do you have any solution to my problem?
How do you think my header is disabled on the main page?
In project pages I enabled header only with logo.
My biggest problem is that when I go to the main page, the header is not displayed, as well as the footer, so I asked you to help.
I want to enable top bar and footer on main page.
I share my login details in private information field.
I have the same problem.
For the last two months the www.dokogr.com.hr web page does not show any header ( top bar ) or footer sections. Nothing was being erased in the settings and was left the same as before. I don’t know whether something got messed up with the plug-ins or with the codes themselves. Please propose a solution for my problem.
Thank You in advance.