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Home › Forums › Gillion Theme › Blog page display error
I have problem with blog page display. It’s currently here: http://przyzielonymstole.pl/blogg/. And looks like this: http://prntscr.com/jqr8nh
When I change the link to excpected http://przyzielonymstole.pl/blog/ the whole page design is gone. It became to look like this: http://prntscr.com/jqr9aw
Could you please take a look why I’m receiving such error?
Thank you for your question.
I can see you are using older version of theme on your site so could you please try using below latest version of theme?
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Best regards,
Shufflehound team
OK, it’s not connected with theme version. It was from the very beginning.
You are still using older version 2.0.0 of theme instead of latest version 2.1.1 so please update it to latest version and let me know whether the issue gets resolved.
I’ve made the update and the problem sill appears. As I said it was from the beginning and it was not connected with theme version. Could you please fix this bug?
I could confirm the issue on my test site therefore notified the theme developer about this so that it will be fixed.
The issue will be fixed ASAP.
In the meanwhile you can try resolving the issue by renaming the theme file page-blog.php to page-blog2.php
The issue is resolved in the below latest version of theme so please update the theme as described here https://support.shufflehound.com/updating-theme/
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