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I wonder if it’s possible to parallax the header without header topbar?
Best regards,
Hi Jürgen,
I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.
I am not sure exactly what you are trying to achieve so please describe it a bit more in detail by sharing the screenshot so that I can help you?
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Good morning,
Thank you. I want to achieve the parallax effect for whole header section i.e. the main header including the top header. But couldn’t achieve.
It’s just working for the main header but not the top bar. So I disabled the top bar to just using the main header with parallax but doesn’t work as well. So I just achieved parallax effect with the main header.
Hope it comes across what the issue is.
Best regards,
As requested above could you please share the screenshot of it and your site URL where you are using it?
It seems you are talking about the sticky header that displays on scroll and you want to apply the same effect on topbar.
If it is then you have to develop custom code to achieve this.
Good morning,
No, I‘m not talking about the sticky header. I‘m talking about the main and the top bar header.
As you can see, the top bar header has a white background. I want to achieve that the image from the slider which covers the menu bar covers the top header as well.
To achieve this, you have to develop custom code in the child theme of Gillion theme.
Developing custom code for custom functionality is beyond the scope of support that we provide here.
If you are not a developer then you can consider hiring a developer to develop it for you. You can hire a developer from any freelance site. Shufflehound recommends the developer https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~011652ffec8865c6d5
Understand. Thank you.
You are most welcome here 🙂