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Home › Forums › Gillion Theme › Additional icon in Share Bar
I would like to add an another icon without the link.
Just to inform people This bar is used for shering.
So would be perfect if I could add some info “Share” in blank icon like here on example: https://prnt.sc/pkoz8k
Probably I need to use custom code, Am I right ?
Do you know anybody who could do it and can you give me a hint where can I pust such icon ?
What resolution does it need?
Hi @krollemurow,
I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.
Yes, you are right that you have to develop custom code to achieve this.
If you are not a developer then you can consider hiring a developer to develop it for you. You can hire a developer from any freelance site. Shufflehound recommends the developer https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~011652ffec8865c6d5
Best regards,
Shufflehound team