Adjust Blog Post Width

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Home Forums Jevelin Theme Adjust Blog Post Width

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  • pzl

    Hello Support,

    Is there a way to adjust the width of the blog post? At this time, it is currently set to “Full” but I find that it is a little too wide. To this end, I’m wondering if there is a way to set it to say, 2/3 of the current width.

    Next, is there a CSS code to adjust the position of the category label from the right side to the center instead?

    Thank you so much!


    Hi there,


    It appears you are referring to the blog post gallery columns. If you are using the Block Editor, you should be able to change the columns to 3 in the gallery block settings.


    Hope that helps.


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound Team


    Hello Shufflehound Team,

    Let me clarify my concern again. At this time, we can denote the width of the blog post by the purple line (as shown in the picture). However, I prefer this width to be shorter, as denoted by the blue line. May I know if this is possible?

    Secondly, from the picture, you can see that the category label, “PRE-WEDDING” is on the right side of the blog post. Is there a way to shift it to the center so that everything aligns neatly? For context, I was able to add a CSS to change the alignment of the blog post’s title from Left to Center, but I couldn’t do the same for the Category label.

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    Hi there,


    It appears we don’t have settings to address those issues directly. However, you can install the Yellow Pencil plugin from Appearance > Install Plugins. This plugin offers an intuitive editor to change the CSS of the theme, which could help you in this case.


    Let us know if that helps! 🙂


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound Team


    Hello Shufflehound Team,

    Thanks for the suggestion to use the Yellow Pencil plugin. After installing the plugin, I was able to identify the Category label to be .post-meta-comments .post-meta-categories

    Although I was able to make adjustments like changing the font size, I wasn’t able to shift it to Center – the CSS code provided by Yellow Pencil didn’t work as well. Are you able to shed some light on what may be wrong?

    Thank you so much.


    Hi there,


    Oh, in that case we created a custom CSS snippet for it:

    body.single .blog-single .post-meta-data .post-meta-one {
        display: none;
    body.single .blog-single .post-meta-data .post-meta-two {
        float: none;
        display: table;
        margin: 0 auto;

    Please test it and let us know if that works! 🙂


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound team

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