Gillion Elements Not Appearing in WP Bakery

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Home Forums Gillion Theme Gillion Elements Not Appearing in WP Bakery

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  • jreitsma


    I installed the Gillion theme on our site ( a while ago. I would like to add some of the Gillion rows to my Blog/Articles page.  However, when I go to the page I’m not seeing the “Gillion Elements” in WP Bakery. Any help would be appreciated.

    Note: I have purchased a license to WP Bakery, and activated it.

    P.S. The one screenshot without the Gillion Elements is from the site that I manage. The other screenshot WITH the Gillion Elements is from another site that I manage.


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    Hi Jonathan,


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.


    I have tested it on my test site and it’s working fine for me using the latest version of Gillion theme.


    Please make sure that you are using below the latest version of the theme.


    Please login to access this file


    If you are still facing the issue then please delete the WPBakery page builder plugin and install it from Admin Area -> Appearance -> Install Plugins


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team


    Solution for this topic

    Thank you for your help. After updating my theme to the latest version (3.4.8) I was able to view the Gillion Elements in WP Bakery.




    You are most welcome here 🙂

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