Home › Forums › Gillion Theme › Image in the sharing link is not showing
Home › Forums › Gillion Theme › Image in the sharing link is not showing
Dear Gillion team,
I’m very happy with that theme.
Wondering if could you help me to solve one problem.
When I’m sharing my site (main page) https://najednejlinie.pl or some blog post there is not any image shown next to tittle and link description
by default it looks like this: http://prntscr.com/mjg5px
My every post has Feature Image but they are not shown in the sharing links.
How can I choose main image for HOME (it can be my logo) and use feature images to be shown in links on all blog posts?
Solution for this topic
Hi @krollemurow,
I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.
It seems you are referring to sharing on facebook and you can add image to display on facebook by adding facebook open graph meta tags as described in the below pages.
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Thank you. I got it 🙂
You are most welcome here 🙂