image on left column won't align to center or right

Home Forums Jevelin Theme image on left column won’t align to center or right

Home Forums Jevelin Theme image on left column won’t align to center or right

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  • greenbulb

    This problem has been bothering us for so long. We just didn’t have the time to fix it.

    We have some 2 columns sections on the page. One side is an image and the other side is the description text. Very simple stuff. However, If we set the image of the left column, the image is always align to center of the column or the right. As a result, there is a big gap between the text and the image if the browser windows is wide. We have tried so many thing but could not fix it. Please help.



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    Answering my own question. It is the lazy loader of the theme that causing the problem. Just disabling the lazyloader, the the choice of alignment is working again.


    Hi there,


    Thank you for letting us know and sharing the solution! ๐Ÿ™‚


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound team

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