Issue with Theme Layout - Incorrect Display on Website

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Home Forums Jevelin Theme Issue with Theme Layout – Incorrect Display on Website

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  • AnnaUsak

    Dear Support Team,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to report a problem we’ve encountered with your theme, which we are currently using on our website at

    For some time now, we have observed unusual errors that are not due to any actions on our part. Specifically, we are experiencing issues with the menu display – there are too many arrows appearing in the menu. Moreover, one of our pages has started displaying incorrectly for our clients, although it appears normal when logged into WordPress as an administrator.

    To assist you in diagnosing the problem, I have attached screenshots showing how the page is displayed to clients. It would be greatly appreciated if you could look into this matter and suggest a possible solution or provide an update that fixes the issue.

    Additionally, for some reason, Google’s browser seems to detect code from WP Bakery even though our pages are built with Unison. Despite us seeing the layout correctly rendered with Unison on our end, Google appears to process it through WP Bakery. Are you aware of any way to resolve this discrepancy?

    This issue has been troubling for both our team and our clients, as it affects the usability and aesthetic appeal of our website. We have not made any recent changes that could have caused this problem, suggesting that it may be related to the theme itself.

    Please let us know if you need any further information or specific details regarding our setup that might help you in resolving this problem.

    Thank you for your time and assistance.

    Best regards,

    Anna Usak
    [email protected]

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    Hi there,


    After inspecting your site, it seems that the issues you are facing are related to the performance optimization plugins or their settings. For instance, we don’t see the CSS file loaded on your site, which means the performance optimization plugin is managing all the CSS loading, and in some cases, this can cause issues.

    We recommend either adjusting the performance plugin’s settings until these issues are resolved or disabling it or changing to other performance plugin.


    Regarding the WPBakery page builder, where are you seeing that? We can also see that the content is built with the Unyson page builder.


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound Team



    OK, I will try to describe the problem more deeply, using a different example. Even though in CSS the display:none attribute is set for devices up to 850 px, making it a hidden element for the user, devtools and dedicated SEO tools show that double H3 headers on the HOME page are still visible to indexing robots. There should only be one version of each element on the subpages, and it should be adapted to all types of devices – this is a task for the people creating the subpage. In our content system, which we use on the HOME page (unison), it is so, but it turns out that for Google, for some reason, the content that we use on unison is not visible, but rather the content that was auto-constructed by WPBakery. Because of this, for some reason, Google sees double content on our pages, the ones shown in the attachment and others.

    We have also issues with our menu on mobile page and on desktop – I am sending screen shots.

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    If we’ve understood the issue correctly, as long as the text is effectively hidden on the live site and there’s only one visible H3 version for both mobile and desktop, it should be fine. The Google bot should apply the CSS and recognize only one H3 tag for both mobile and desktop views.


    But bot sees two types od tags. Our seo agency has already checked that.

    Can you give me some hints what to do with the menu issue I have screnshooted and enclosed in previous messeage.

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    Regarding the menu issue, it seems that the performance optimization plugin might be the cause. Could you please disable it for the moment and test if it works as it should without it? (if you haven’t done that already)

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