Jevelin portfolios not linking in wp bakery

Home Forums Jevelin Theme Jevelin portfolios not linking in wp bakery

Home Forums Jevelin Theme Jevelin portfolios not linking in wp bakery

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  • LoriBeeArt

    Converted my website to wpbakery after issues with Unyson.

    There are 50 portfolios that need to be shown, but when you click into the postfolios, you get a 404 page.

    Even when you put in the url as a custom url and turn on custom urls, you still get a 404 page.

    It used to work perfectly in Unyson – please advise


    Hi there,


    After such large changes sometimes it is needed to go to Settings > Permalinks and resave the settings (works in many situations related to 404 issues). We did just that and it seems that it fixed the issue.


    Can you please take a look? šŸ™‚


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound team

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