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Home › Forums › Jevelin Theme › Jevelin Theme – Portfolio full-width
Hello, I have just bought an other license for the template “Portfolio Full-Width.
I am wondering if you can help me out to change the following:
• Clicking on a cover image (fancy portfolio) to the gallery. There I would like to have the first image in original shape. portrait or landscape. (like on the Homepage)
• On the homepage in my portfolio I have Ilustration and photos mixed. With the filter you can choose one of them, thats ok. But I also would like to have the catogories in the URL. exp: www……../photography ou / illustrations. For this I created 2 other pages with the portfolio plugin. Instead of showing every categorie I would like to have one page already filtered “Potography” and the other page filtered “illusration”.
This must be possible by changing some CSS-Styles. It would be great If you can help me out. Thanks a lot for your answer
Kind regards
Barbara Lehmann
Portfolio Fancy Settings with WPBakery Page Builder. As you see General setings: Categories: …. there is nothing. You can’t select any categories. ( My Categories are setup in Portfolio and do not show on General Setings on WPBakery!)
Hi there,
Regarding the Categories option please try to enter the category names manually and separate them by the new line / enter button.
For example:
Category 1
Category 2
About the other issues you’ve mentioned, we’re having a bit of trouble understanding them. Do you think you could send us a few screenshots? That might help us to understand it better.
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Hi, well I am a little bit frustrated with your answer! If you would try a little bit harder and check it yourself, then you would see that it is not working by entering it manually and enter button!
If I enter the category names manually it just creates a button of that category, but showing the entire Portfolio. Instead of selecting a category it would show just the selected <span class=”ver”>category on that page… and</span> that’s what I want, and the way it should be. With <span class=”spellver”>Unyson</span> Builder it is working…. <span class=”ver”>But</span> with <span class=”spellver” title=”WP Bakery, WP-Bakery, Bakery, Piggery, Buggery, Perjury, Plagiary, Peccary, Abjure, Bickerer, PBX, Beggary”>WPBakery</span> Builder it is not working!!
About the other concern: In the gallery of the portfolio I would like to have the first picture appearing in the original size. Either Landscape or Portrait. How can I change that?
Thanks for your answer that will finally resolve the problem.
Kind regards
Currently, that is a known issue that selection isn’t working while using the WPBakery page builder. But entering category names manually should work – we tested it before mentioning it before. Or are we misunderstanding the issue?
Regarding the portfolio page have you tried:
Let us know if that works!
Thank you for your answer. I will try again and hope this time I make myself clear and you will answer AFTER you tried it out with your team! Ok lets go:
For example I have one portfolio: Photography (Category) and Places, People etc. (Parent Category)… and an other portfolio: Illustration (Category) and Painting (Parent Category) Print Screen attached!
Problems Portfolio:
1. Parent Category are shown as Category!
2. Creating a page with the Photography Portfolio. Clicking / Linking to the page Photography… The INTIRE portfolio is appearing instead of the portfolio Photography with it Parent Category!
3. The selected category on that page are appearing. Clicking photography on a created photography page doesn’t make sense!
Regarding the portfolio page I tried to change the Image Size the way you told me and it is working thank you very much!
Kind regards
Barbara Lehmann
That is great that the image size issue is fixed! 🙂
The screenshot with the categories list gives us a little bit better understanding of the issue. But just to make sure we understood this correctly:
It starts to seem that our portfolio element doesn’t have the functionality needed for this setup