Jevelin Theme Update is causing issues

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Home Forums Jevelin Theme Jevelin Theme Update is causing issues

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  • rockguitarpower

    Hello, I recently updated my theme to the newest version of Jevelin and am noticing some bugs.


    I created a 2 minute video to illustrate the problems I’m facing which you can view here:



    There are some pages/posts which are taking on the Theme settings and others that are not. The pages and posts are all setup with the same settings, however some respond to the theme settings and some do not

    Please review video for illustration and let me know if you need any further information to trouble shoot.

    Here are links to two different pages.

    Page that is working properly:

    Page this is not working properly:




    Update… Now both pages are not working 🙁

    I had to update the page was working properly (

    to remove the membership protection so that you can view it.


    Now it has the same issues as noted in the video. I tried to turn the membership protection back on and that did not fix the issue so something is going on with the Theme as far as I can tell.

    If you need to see a page that is formatted correctly I can send you login info or you can look at the attached screen shot



    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Hi Mike,


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.


    This is happening because the Guitar lesson is custom post type created by plugin so theme settings are not applied on it.

    You can remove titlebar from it by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS code option of your theme on the below path.


    Admin Area -> Appearance -> Theme Settings -> Custom Code -> CSS Code


    .single-guitarlessons .sh-titlebar {
        display: none;


    To change header layout you have to develop custom code in the Jevelin child theme.

    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team


    Thank you for the follow up. The CSS Code did solve the problem.


    I’m curious though why this worked before, but now it is necessary?

    I did not change anything other than update to the newest version of Jevelin and when I did that, it became an issue

    As for the custom code, same question… This currently works on pages that I created before the update. It still looks the way it should as long as I don’t save the page.

    But if I save and update a page/post, then the header and menu get messed up. Why is this?

    And can you give me any more info on the custom code to develop?

    If it looks the way it should on some pages, using the Header 6 (side navigation) Header Layout, how do I specify that in custom code?



    There is a setting under the Unyson Page Builder Extension where I can choose which post types the page builder applies to.


    I know this is probably different than the Jevelin settings, but curious to know more about this (See attached pic)


    I’m also curious to know what the WPBakery Page Builder is for?


    It says that this is a required plugin. Do I actually need this?



    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    The Unyson page builder was required plugin but now it is not and you can use either Unyson page builder or visual composer page builder to edit your site pages.


    The Unyson page builder settings that you have displayed in your shared screenshot allows you to configure on which post type you want to use Unyson page builder.

    As the heading was working fine before update but not now so would you mind if I log in to your site and do some troubleshooting? If this is ok then could you please share me your site log in details privately by adding them in the box having text “Click here to share private content. Only you and forum moderators will be able to see it.”?


    Certainly… Admin info is added to private section


    Please review and let me know if you need anything else.




    Also, just so you know, I am using Yellow Pencil to adjust a few things relative to the header with CSS. I don’t believe any of these things would cause the issue I explained earlier, especially since these changes have been here all along.


    The changes are below for your review



    Mike D

    <div>.sh-header .container .sh-table > .sh-table-cell{</div>
    <div>background-color:#0c0c0c !important;</div>
    <div>#page-container .sh-header{</div>
    <div>background-color:#0c0c0c !important;</div>
    <div>#header-navigation a .c-hamburger{</div>

    Solution for this topic

    I resolved it on your site by adding following function in the fucntions.php file of Jevelin child theme.

    Could you please confirm?


        function jevelin_header_layout() {
            $header_layout1 = esc_attr( jevelin_post_option( jevelin_page_id(), 'header_layout', '1' ) );
            $header_layout2 = esc_attr( jevelin_option( 'header_layout', '1' ) );
    		if( !is_search() && !is_singular() && !is_archive() && !is_home() && !is_404() ) :
                return ( isset($header_layout1) && $header_layout1 && $header_layout1 != 'default' ) ? $header_layout1 : ( ( isset($header_layout2) && $header_layout2 ) ? $header_layout2 : '1' );
            else :
                return $header_layout2;


    Thanks for the reply… I checked everything and I still see a lot of pages that are not formatted properly.

    Here’s links to a couple of them:


    See attached screenshots as well.

    I’m not sure if this is important, but the Header Layout that I want to use as it related to Jevelin Settings is Header 6 (side navigation)

    I’m not great with code, but it looks like you are referencing “header_layout1”

    Could this be why?

    Mike D

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Had you changed shared code in the Jevelin child theme functions.php file?

    I added it again removing old code and it started working fine.


    Could you please confirm now?


    I did not change anything with the shared code, but can confirm that it is working properly now.


    Thank you for your help! I’m all set now so I’ll open a new ticket if anything should come up.


    Thanks again!


    Mike D

    You are most welcome here 🙂

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