Need plugin updates (WPBakery and Rev Slider)

Home Forums Jevelin Theme Need plugin updates (WPBakery and Rev Slider)

Home Forums Jevelin Theme Need plugin updates (WPBakery and Rev Slider)

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  • ericaski

    Using Jevelin theme 5.6.1. Photo gallery not rendering any longer on mobile devices. Looks like WPBakery plugin is out of date. Have version 6.13. Need latest which is version 7.6.

    Also Slider Revolution needs updating. Have 6.6.14 and latest is 6.7.12.

    This is the page that is not working:



    Hi there,


    Please update the theme to the latest version. Once updated, you will be able to update the plugins to the latest or near-latest versions via the Appearance > Install Plugins page.


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound Team

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