"Open the article" not found in PO file

Home Forums Jevelin Theme “Open the article” not found in PO file

Home Forums Jevelin Theme “Open the article” not found in PO file

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  • cesar.marin

    In the file “inc/helpers.php” the key “Open the article” used, is not found in the PO file, then it can’t be translated.
    By the way, can you check if the method used “esc_attr” with this key is correct?





    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


    We have updated the theme’s translation file, as it hadn’t been refreshed in some time, and ensured that the key “Open the article” is now included for proper translation. Additionally, we have fixed the esc_attr implementation issue in the inc/helpers.php file to align with WordPress standards.


    Please download the latest theme version to access these updates.

    Let us know if you need further assistance! 🙂

    Please login to access this file


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound Team

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