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Home › Forums › Gillion Theme › Row Height
Hello how do I edit the height of my rows?
For example in the attached image, it is a blank row with a line separator inside it. But there is space above and below the line inside the row. How do I change that so I can match the row height to whatever I have inside of it
Hi @zenfiretrading,
I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.
Please make sure that you have not added any padding to the row.
Could you please share me the page URL from your site where it is displaying so that I can help you?
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Ok so lets say there is no padding on the row. How do I still adjust the heights of my rows.
Solution for this topic
Then its height depends on the height of content that it contains so you can just test it temporarily removing the content that it contains.
Thank you!
You are most welcome here ๐