Updating Outdated template files.

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Home Forums Jevelin Theme Updating Outdated template files.

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  • ftahumour


    I’m running Jevelin v: 5.5.1, Woo v:7.5.1 and I’m seeing a “cart.php” outdated template notification on Woo status page.

    I have attempted to follow the Woo guide for manually updating the template files, but Im facing some issues post-update.

    I have the following questions, I am hoping you can assist with.

    1.) Documentation https://woocommerce.com/document/fix-outdated-templates-woocommerce/?quid=ed987821e91fac5dccaec59451a053ca states that this is done so templates can be maintained and not overwritten during regular plugin updates. This implies that the file should reside in the /javelin-child/woocommerce/cart/cart.php directory. However, this directory does not exist. It can only be found under /javelin/woocommerce/cart/cart.php. Is this expected?

    2.) Following a template update/replacement of the cart.php file in the /javelin/woocommerce/cart/cart.php location, I have noticed that the cart “Update” and Coupon “Apply” buttons stop functioning. Comparing the Old template 7.0.1 and the new Template 7.4.1, I see that in the code, the old template references ‘jevelin’ whereas the new template references ‘woocommerce’ for the same functions. Replacing the woocommerce definition with jevelin definition does not appear to change anything in terms of fixing the cart page buttons functionality. What am I doing wrong in this case?

    Templates files are attached for reference, as follows:

    cart.php.7.0.1 – outdated but currently installed and functioning template

    cart.php.7.4.1_Source – Source copy from the latest Woocommerce plugin

    cart.php.7.4.1_ReplacedWooforJevelin – A copy I manually modified to test the functionality issue.

    I would like to update the template to the recommended v7.4.1 but not if it will sacrifice website functionality.

    Thanks in advance.

    Regards, George

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    Hi there,


    Can you please try our latest beta version?

    The issue might be fixed there:

    Please login to access this file


    Let us know if that works! πŸ™‚


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound team


    I will, Thank you.

    I will also let you know the outcome.




    Great! Hopefully it fixes it.


    Hello Sir,

    I’m resurrecting an old ticket on the same subject. The last fix was excellent, hence the radio silence, sorry for not following up.

    We are back in the same situation with the WooCommerce update to v 7.8.0 (major version).

    May I kindly request that you add the templates highlighted in the attached screenshot to your roadmap for the next Jevelin theme release?

    Many thanks for considering my request.

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    Hi there,


    Thank you for letting us know.

    We have just added those fixes in the latest beta version below:

    Please login to access this file


    Please test it and let us know if that fixes the issue.


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound team


    Hello sir’s,

    thank you for previously providing a temporary solution to Woo templates compatibility update (last message above).

    However, your current public theme update release (v5.7), doesn’t include said fix. Also, I noted that the WP Bakery (theme bundled) plugin is not being updated with Theme releases. See attached.

    I’m not asking for immediate action from your side, but it would be beneficial for all if you are able to add these small compatibility updates to your theme update roadmap so we do not have to regularly point out these repetitive maintenance items.

    Thank you in advance and I hope that the next Pibli theme release will include these maintenance fixes. πŸ™‚

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    Hi there,


    In the previous version, we tested it up to the 7.8 version, it seems that we will need to update the files to support the 7.9 version. Usually, there are just some small code syntax changes, that don’t really change anything.


    Regarding the WPBakery page update – it should be waiting for you under Appearance > Install Plugins. You can just select it and click on update as the update process isn’t happening automatically.


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound team



    thank you for pointing out how to maintain WP-Bakery compatibility with my instance. Appreciated.

    Regarding the maintenance of Woo templates, I appreciate that this is a constantly moving target, as with all product maintenance within a framework. I do appreciate the effort and was only suggesting that you consider adding this check/verify/update actions as part of your workflow within your publishing roadmap for the theme, to avoid having to be pointed out via support requests.

    Proactive maintenance goes a long way to justifying support/subscription investment to support you in continuing to support us as end users.

    kind regards


    Thank you for your suggestions!


    Before releasing new theme updates we regularly check if all WooCommerce files are up to date and if plugins have new versions released. So in the next update, the fix will be included πŸ™‚

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