Wodpress 5.6 Support

Home Forums Gillion Theme Wodpress 5.6 Support

Home Forums Gillion Theme Wodpress 5.6 Support

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  • bobbinkz

    Hi Team,

    Do the theme support wordpress 5.6 ? With its latest version 5.6 released a few days ago,Β WordPress updated the jQuery library and the associated jQuery migrate plugin.

    Like to know if the theme supports this change

    Hi @bobbinkz,


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.


    Yes, the below latest version of the theme supports the latest WordPress version.


    Please login to access this file


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team


    Thanks much.

    Is this beta version ?

    I bought from here


    This site still showing Software Version WordPress 5.5.x only supported. May this site specific thing πŸ™‚


    Is this beta version ?

    It is released on ThemeForest so you can update the theme to the latest version without any issue.

    This site still showing Software Version WordPress 5.5.x only supported. May this site specific thing πŸ™‚

    Could you please share the screenshot of the screen where it is displaying?


    Hi Team,


    For the above link right side. Attached screenshot as well



    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    We forgot to update it but we will update it now.




    Thanks Team.

    You are most welcome here πŸ™‚

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