I am using the latest Revolution Slider plugin.
URL is maxavi.ai
The Revolution Slider menu options I see in your links looks different from menu options I see in WordPress, thus I can’t use any of the instructions from those links.
Thank you. The fix worked for the home page, however I’m still seeing text wrap in the following page.
I tried adding the code you indicated directly into the page’s Custom CSS but the code as written gave me an error. Please advise.
It’s working now.. thanks
Thanks. #2 is fixed.
For #1, I set API restrictions to ommatech.com/contact/ page, which means API is restricted to the page that should be displaying the map. Is that what you were asking for? Or is there something else that I need to do? I’m still not seeing the map.
Thank you.
For #1) I enabled API using the instructions you provided in the link, however the map still doesn’t show up. Please help me fix it.
For #2) your solution partilly fixed it. The Send button now aligns, however the ‘Enter your email’ is still outside of the line. It should be inside the entry field in white font, as in your example, otherwise you can’t see the text.
Thank you,