the problem is on bakery builder. When I am working on second language and edit page from bakery builder on backend editor the css that is insert at bakery builder is disappear. When I see on frontend editor of bakery builder and click save everything is working.
this is for font-family not for font-weight.
and if this was the problem it will be displayed everywhere bold fonts.
The page is accessible to everyone. Please send me screenshot of the page that you see.
Yes I am using the plugin: max mega menu.
You can see the url in private informations.
No I haven’t upgrade to v5.5.. I have this problem about 1 month ago (when I start to develop the mega menu).
Hello, Can you please show me where can I change the mobile menu? Now I see only this (screenshot) and I can’t find where to change it.
Ι ve changed the whole section with revolution slider just to check.. background wont work.
Also one more problem that I had from the begining is that on builder, when I hide columns for mobile does not work.
No, noone plugin makes a conflict. I did what you told me. Also php version is not the problem, because days before with the php 7.0 was working fine. I think after update your theme started doing this
english seems ok, greek language have the backgrounds but can not be seen in view. However in preview mode seems ok
in preview page, backgrounds seems ok, but when viewing page backgrounds not seems ok
Well it is on homepage. Scroll Down (see images)!liatsikos/?lang=el
Solution for this topic
ok solved. I had left the old footer.php on child theme
The new implemented solution does not work! Footer wont change