okay thanks ,
but we cant make them once you go to the about us the menu of about us change to be blue and home to be black and etc..
because now also the home is staying blue
okay done ,
awaiting the custom css ( so i can make the others too)
and last question for the partners section ( i put them all) but how i can add to arrow to navigate them manually like slide bar on left and right
for question 2
can you advise for the whole absolute link and how to change the custom css code
Solution for this topic
we solve it thank you
something related to saving issue i discovered when im sending you all the links
thank you so much
thanks for your response
actually even on the colored one there is like stroke or layer and i opened the illustrator file and screenshot that there’s no stroke
also tried different logo on white and same problem (it’s like pixelated)
and on the colored logo the resolution it’s the same but look perfect
attached many screenshoot
thank you so much
for the creative home page
once i upload my white logo in the home page there’s a white stroke on the logo
attached a screenhoot
even i test the color one also you will find a white stroke so how to remove it
this issue only have on a colored background