This works. Thx!
I double checked. i did set the page width to full, only not at “Page”, but at Theme settings -general.
At the “Page” chapter and on “Blog post – page” chapter on my WordPress installation there was no ability to set the page width, on “Theme settings-general” there was.
Please have a look at the visuals..
I did set page width to full. Although it wasnt under Pages.. But fact is it did not influence the content width..
Thx so far!
I disabled the widgets but the the space still is reserved and a text message is show. I want the right widgets gone and the content fill the space. See visual..
Yes please.
For the blog page:
The needed changes are in the visual attached.
Also I want the blue hover removed form the image (minimalize)..
For the blog detail page:
The needed changes are in the visual attached. I want the right side widgets removed, also the whole footer (comments, share etc)/. So minimized..
Thx for your help
thx for the quick reply!
Still no infinite scroll?
So a new version came out, but no infinite scroll. Can you please be more precise when it will be in?
Any idea when this will be available?