To see the website, you need to login. See below.
Never mind. Out of trial and error, I figured out most of what I needed. You guys did not help. Hopefully next time.
Got those 2 items updated. Now need help updating the footer. Where can I edit this. See screen shot.
Need to update this content:
<div class=”sh-contacts-widget-item”>Streed address 15, City</div>
<div class=”sh-contacts-widget-item”><i class=”icon-phone”></i>+321 97654387</div>
<div class=”sh-contacts-widget-item”><i class=”icon-envelope”></i>[email protected]</div>
<div class=”sh-contacts-widget-item”><i class=”icon-clock”></i>9:00-18:00</div>
I got the logo in the left corner updated.
Need to know how to update the home page background image. I tried updating the html image and it didn’t work. Please help. Thanks
Editing the logo doesn’t do anything for the home page. I know how to use the wp bakery editor. I need to know where to find the files I pointed out in the previous posts. See attached image again.
This is not helping.
Please can you provide details instructions.
I need to update the small image on the left of the home page screen and the top background image as previously discussed. See attached image again.
Concerning the image you sent, I don’t know where the image row is located and how to get to it. Please provide detailed info.
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Once you login, visit the site. This is concerning the home page.