Yes it is installed and activated.
I want to add phone number field, and want to remove required option from website field.
Hey, one more thing can i change social sharing options. I don’t want to display pinterest option. Is there any way i can modify it.
Thanks, i have figured out same once you said it is possible from CSS.
Ok, please provide that.
Is this is a parent theme or child theme? Seems to be parent? Please confirm so that i can test it.
Ok, waiting for update. Thanks in advance.
No its not live as of now, i am sharing screenshots of it.
Refer Search page
It will be really helpful if quick reply is possible.
Thanks it works.
Ok, can you guide where to place this file in child theme. I haven’t found such thing in documentation or may be i am missing it.
Ok, i am using header 7 option in layout, where hamburger menu appears on right and search on left in header. I just want to shuffle the position of it. I have checked out header-7.php where if we shuffle divs then it can be achieved, but i don’t its a right approach. Doing this will be modifying parent theme which is not recommended at all.
Definitely on mobile/tablet and it will be good if it will be possible on desktop as well.
Yes it is fixed now. Thanks for quick update. Just want to know whether i continue using beta version of child theme for updating style or there will be fix version of child theme.
I haven’t updated this theme on server, i am working on local machine. I have installed jevelin and jevelin-child theme and activated child theme. Not sure why? And another issue i am facing is child theme style.css is not loading.
Hi, I am facing same issue, but not able to load child css file even after adding given code.
Here it is my file: <?php
* Theme functions file
* Enqueue parent theme styles first
* Replaces previous method using @import
* <>
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘jevelin_enqueue_parent_style’, 99 );
function jevelin_enqueue_parent_style() {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘jevelin’, get_template_directory_uri().’/style.css’ );
* Add your custom functions below
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘enqueue_child_theme_style’, 100 );
function enqueue_child_theme_style() {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘child-style’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri().’/style.css’ );
I got the solution, it was there in page, not sure why i missed it in first view.