Solution for this topic
afer hours past seeking on the internet I managed to create an ad that is display on each article at once by using the combination of two plugins.
underneath is how I’ve done it:
a- Ultimates ads manager (plugin) : to geneate an ad shortcode
I was able to add image and then add url with _target blank
b- insert post ad (plugin):
To display shortcode wherever I want in article
We can now shut this ticket. wish it will help if needed
I added a screenshot so people can have a look
Cordialy / Kylian
Okay then, can you please provide me where can I get this chunk of code so I’ll be able to see if I can edit it in odrer to make it display on post page instead of header’s homepage.
Many thanks
Hi, can you at least provide me where is the echo php code which show up the ad banner on homepage so I can try something?
I just wanna display this echo on another page.
Thank you
Okay then
Many thanks
Great!!!! Thank you a lot. It’s perfect now.
We can close this ticket.
Many Thanks
Hi, I tried deactivating all plugin except unysson and I got plenty of wrong code line. I prefer to remove left and right post’s titile from huge slideshow.
Can you tell me how can I remove it?
Hi, Im doing well, thanks.
The issue is that I’ve put the big slideshow several times on my homepage.
But when duplicating, title’post in other big slide show are not showing up the corectly the during the sliding .
I’ve attached a new screenshot with more explanation so you can see what I mean.
If its hard to fix i’d rather you give me a way to remove title’spot from left and right on the big slideshow.
Thank you very much
Cordialy / Kylian
Hi, thanks Im doing fine. Template is great and I’ve got many way to make it suitable to my business.
I’ve found where I can edit infinite scroll but d’ont know which page exactly. Cuz wen I’m going inside ” all pages ” from worpress navbar there is many pages inside and all off them have same settings possibilities then I don’t know which one do I have to edit in order to put infinite scroll.
Buy the way I wish to remove as well right sidebar but I duno how to do.
cordialy / Kylian
Oh I see. I was looking everywhere else except in here.
You can now close this ticket. Thanks a lot
Cordialy / Kylian
Hi, thanks for custom code now top blanc space has been removed.
By cons regarding caterogie pics I’am unable to find where I can edit image.
Hi, thank you very much. I’ve just done it and all is working fine now as I wanted it to be. This ticket is now solved.
Many Thanks / Kylian
I managed to revoge side bar from homepage. Now I only need to remove the post blog down the homepage inside tye section named ” En Résume”
Once in ” all pages ” , where do I go to get on this screenshot page ?
Hi, yes the theme is very perfetc and I really do love it a lot. I just wanna remove the all part just before the footer.
where it’s writting ” en résumé” , ” Today’s pick” and ” immanquables” .
after that ol will be good in my concern.
Thanks for helping.
Okay then. I will check it and let you know.
Many Thanks
Hi, its hapening on homepage but only when a video post is inside the ” Category ” section.
Cordialy / Kylian
Okay then.
Many thanks /Kylian
Last thing that I’d like to know is how to edit all different tab’s title. My magazine website is french so I don’t wanna display english titles in all different section on homepage and side bar…
To help you to understand my wonderings I uploaded a view with all mentions that I wanna edit the name in red zone. Just folow the arrow.
Thanks for helping.
Cordialy / Kylian