Hi, I’m really sorry, it’s the first thing I should have tried …
The entire screen simply comes out white, so I think a screenshot is of no interest
Thanks again 🙂
Hello, I deactivating all plugins and I still can’t edit
Im getting this error by WP_DEBUG
<b>Deprecated</b>: block_categories is deprecated since version 5.8.0! Use block_categories_all instead. in <b>/home/rapiditasstudio/www/wp-includes/functions.php</b> on line <b>5458</b>
<b>Deprecated</b>: block_categories is deprecated since version 5.8.0! Use block_categories_all instead. in <b>/home/rapiditasstudio/www/wp-includes/functions.php</b> on line <b>5458</b>
Thanks a lot
I already try the regenerate thumbnail plugin but I did´t work.
This is the access
Well now I see all the images at low quality.
When I access the demo the thumbnails are 400px x 400px (in shop and in Woo Recent Products)
In mine thumbnails shows at 300px x 300px everywhere
Hello! Thank you 🙂
Yes I mean the product thumbnails are displaying fine on the shared demo page but not on my site.
This is my website
You can compare the 2 product “Black Bag” in second line of products. Both of them have assigned the same image but in one it appears pixelated and in another correctly.
This also happens with some items imported from the demo. You can see the image with a lower quality “300px”. (Sport Jacket product, Summer Vibes etc..)
I also use the Woo Recent Products in home page https://sowieso.com/, but here they all show badly.
Thanks yo much for your help.
framework-customizations > extensions >Â Â portfolio > views >Â Â single.php
framework-customizations > extensions > shortcodes > shortcodes > portfolio > view.php
Thank you!