Is there a reason for the height set to 350px ?
I did this:
.simpleselect .options
top: 0 !important
height: auto !important
.simpleselect .options .option
line-height: 1.4
Ok Shufflehound team!
In that cases the Button is replaced, i think that the best way is to have the one that you already have and put one for logout at the right side.
I already did that with the code in the previous message but Thank You!
Best regards,
Marcos Caetano
Hi Shufflehound team!
Yes! The page Title appears on Breadcrumbs, but what i really want is to replace the Shop title by the My Account title – Breadcrumbs are ok, but Titles are supposed to be Titles and not Breadcrumbs.
Is there a way to achieve that? On your screenshot example i just want to replace that big Shop title on the left by the page title… and maybe get rid of Breadcrumbs.
Thank You for your Support,
It seems that the WooCommerce Title that we choose on the Theme Settings stays on top of other titles 🙁
The screenshot!
Screenshot! 😀
I am going to try it.
Please, just one more question.. for now 😀
Is there a way o display in the account page and other WooCommerce pages the title of the page, and not the parent title of the shop page?
As you can see on the screenshot i am on my account page but the title that is showing is the title of the shop. It is very important for me to display the title that i want.
Best regards!!!
Hello again!
1 – The WooCommerce Account Icon is not showing on Header Elements;
It seems like i chose the only header that had no option for that, it was missing the $wrap .= jevelin_nav_wrap_login(); on header 4.
3 – How can i change the type of Header on a single product page?
About this question: I am trying to use the same header 4 on the single product page. I think i have to do something on get_header(); in woocommerce.php but i sill not found the solution.
About the other issues, css to hide its ok!
About the plugin i have to see it later.
Thank you Shufflehound team.
Sorry, but one more question.
I want to disable the “back to top button”, but the button is still showing…