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  • objal

    Thank you very much, it helped.


    Have a nice day,

    David (@objal)


    Thank you very much. It displayed wrong for me, but now it’s already fine. Icons of the cart were also too on the right side as default but I fix it with Yellow Pencil.

    I have one more question, please: What may be the reason that when I use Unyson Builder to insert a single image and I adjust the centering, it is always shifted to the side. I had to move it again with the Yellow pencil, but it no longer displays correctly on all screens. This happens even after deleting changes to the Yellow Pencil settings.

    Have a nice day



    Yes, I use the latest version of the theme.

    Of course, I created it and the account login details are in the private information field.


    Thank you



    Oh, I’m glad. Clearing the cache helped. Thank you very much.

    But what if this problem happens to customers who were on the site before the update?


    Hi Sufflehound Support,

    I typed my site URL in a private information field. It’s interesting that elements are missing only in Google Chrome (desktop). Thank you for your willingness.
    <div id=”gtx-trans” style=”position: absolute; left: -44px; top: 79.2px;”>
    <div class=”gtx-trans-icon”></div>

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by objal.
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