Thanks for your work. But You have seen that de Google Map doesn’t appear ?
Perhaps my location syntaxe is wrong, could you update by the valid informations (any one), I will modify by mine after.
Best regards
I sent by email information about login, but I didn’t receive feedback, could you tell me if you have received this email ?
Hi, Find below the user and password to enter in my site.
password :
<td width=”210″>Z8ptoMyT8f7GRBr%IVR4N10W</td>
I tried to send a email at your adress [email protected] but it doesn’t work, have an other one ?
Do you have used the login to identify the problem ?
<div class=”oSioSc”>
<div id=”tw-target”>
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<div id=”tw-target-text-container” class=”tw-ta-container F0azHf tw-nfl” tabindex=”0″>
<span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">I tried with no change. Find below the information can you try ? Address : Rue Dominique Santini toulon Latitude : 43.11670629352102 Longitude : 5.935775762063789 Description : Art et Mouvement The site is not in https can this have an impact? Thanks Pascal </span>