This CSS works so long as the post style is “standard” but if I use “slider” style on the post page then it returns. I am mostly using “slider” post style so is there Custom CSS to remove meta data from that style or even all styles?
Can I add a related question ……….
How do I remove the same meta data from the actual post pages themselves ?
Good job – worked perfectly – thank you !
I’ll leave that one !!!
Thank you !
Okay so got that setup so thank you for your help.
I have two more questions – one simple and one most definitely not but hey, you have to ask!
The easy one …… how do I set up a background image behind the front page elements as per the lighthouse image in the preview ? I can’t find any option to set that up in the Theme Options pages.
Now the tough one. My absolute ideal is to have the Masonry Card front page set up BUT for static pages rather than blog posts. My current website is based around static pages and I would love those individual front page “cards” to link to those pages rather than posts which I prefer not to use. Is that possible ?
If it isn’t then, okay, I can simply translate my current pages to posts and then edit the post dates in order to force them into the right places on the static home page. If I do that, is there a way (css code ?) to disable everything below the front page cards (ie: Author, comments, read) and, if I choose to, to disable the category above the card title ?
Any help appreciated.
Will take a look ….. thank you.
Spoke too soon !
Have imported the BASIC data but how do I import or set up the layout for the displayed CARD (home-6) style from the main website ?
Okay ….. so it is hidden in BASIC !
You can ignore my post now !